SCIENTIFIC BASES OF HUMAN ANATOMY (HARDCOVER) Author: Charles Oxnard Ed/Yr: 1/2015 ISBN:9780471235996

SCIENTIFIC BASES OF HUMAN ANATOMY (HARDCOVER) Author: Charles Oxnard Ed/Yr: 1/2015 ISBN:9780471235996
คุณสมบัติเด่น / รายละเอียดสินค้า:
As medical schools struggle to fit ever more material into a fixed amount of time, students need to approach the study of anatomy through a succinct, integrative overview. Rather than setting forth an overwhelming list of facts to be memorized, this book engages readers with a fascinating account of the connections between human anatomy and a wide array of scientific disciplines, weaving in the latest advances in developmental and evolutionary biology, comparative morphology, and biological engineering. Logically organized around a few key concepts, The Scientific Bases of Human Anatomy presents them in clear, memorable prose, concise tabular material, and a host of striking photographs and original diagrams.
 ดูรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมของ SCIENTIFIC BASES OF HUMAN ANATOMY (HARDCOVER) Author: Charles Oxnard Ed/Yr: 1/2015 ISBN:9780471235996
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